Planetary mapping

GMAP infrastructure is dedicated to support the community of planetary mappers, offering tools, tutoring and resources with the goal of easing the process of publishing planetary cartography. We support also innovative planetary products as 3D models that can be used to perform detail studies of planetary outcrops.

If you have already created planetary cartography or you are in the process of starting a new mapping campaign you should consider publishing your products with the support of the large community of mappers participating to the GMAP-euorplanet initiative.

Our publishing workflow does not interfere in any way with the standard scientific publication process but will provide you with additional benefits:

  • If you need to start a new mapping, the GMAP-europlanet team will help you during all the initial phases of realization of your map, guiding you through the selection of adequate basemaps and datasets for your goals.
  • Our scientific support team will provide scientific guidance during and after the mapping process, to help you produce scientifically accurate maps
  • We provide high-level technical support to learn how to use GIS tools at best for producing standardized products that can be shared with the community, fostering the visibility of your work
  • Online services, supported by the GMAP-europlanet facilities, will provide access to your map by the whole scientific community, making your map part of the largest community of planetary scientists.

If you want to learn more on the process of publishing your map with GMAP-europlanet we have a dedicated web page.